A comprehensive market report on waterfront properties for 2024.

If you want to know what’s happening in the Flathead Lake housing market, you’ve come to the right place. As a local industry expert, I have the latest market data and trends you need to know whether you’re considering buying or selling in the area. Today, I will share the latest waterfront market updates and insights on the first half of 2024.

Feel free to watch the complete video or use the timestamps below to browse through the topics that interest you the most:

0:00 — Introducing today’s topic
0:23 — Flathead Lake 2nd quarter market figures
4:00 — 2nd quarter market recap
4:45 — Flathead & Lake Counties overall 2nd quarter recap
6:00 — Affordability and pricing impact
6:09 — Wrapping up

Apart from market trends, I know you’ll want to know more about Flathead Lake’s water levels. Last year’s low levels caused significant disruptions. This year has seen some improvement, so we must ensure that the lake’s water management is handled correctly. We encourage everyone to voice their concerns to local leadership and regulatory bodies to maintain stable lake levels, which are vital for both the environment and the economy. For more information, visit www.FillTheLake.com. If you have any questions, reach out to us at (406) 253-7268. I look forward to hearing from you!